Weil ein Wrackteil von MH370 gefunden wurde, geht es auch in der ZEIT-Leserspalte blitzschnell wieder los mit dem Kampf Verschwörungstheoretiker vs. Aufklärer. Auch mit Verweisen auf diese BBC-Seite.
Malaysia Airlines MH370: The persistence of conspiracy theories | By Tom de Castella | BBC News Magazine | 8 September 2014 | From the section Magazine ... || Six months after the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight 370 it is still the subject of a slew of explanations. Why has this tragedy prompted such a wave of conspiracy theories? | Sudden, dramatic events often provoke conspiracy theories - particularly where the official version is disbelieved. | But in the case of MH370 there is not even an official version. Nobody knows what happened to MH370. It's a modern mystery. | "It is very rare to be able to proffer no convincing answer for an event," says Times columnist David Aaronovitch, whose book Voodoo Histories tackles conspiracy theories.
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