Mittwoch, 15. Januar 2014

China zerfällt?

Wenn China wirklich Kritik zulässt und etwa versucht, eine echte parlamentarische Demokratie zu werden, wie "das Reich der Mitte" das überleben oder wird es -- nach Traditionen, Macht-, Wirtschafts- und Rohstoffinteressen, und, ja auch: Religionen -- in Teile zerbrechen? 

Im SPIEGEL (3 / 2014, S. 82f.) ein Artikel über den Jura-Professor Zhang. Und hier.

ZHANG XUEZHONG | Law Professor Suspended from Teaching for Pro-Constitutionalism Expressions | AUGUST 26, 2013 | By | Last week, associate professor Zhang Xuezhong of East China University of Politics and Law in Shanghai was notified that he was stripped of his qualifications to teach at the university. According to Dr. Zhang, the university’s Human Resources office told him that the decision was made “collectively by the university’s communist party committee.” Dr. Zhang promptly challenged the legality of such a decision since he is not a party member. (