Mittwoch, 20. März 2019

"A lot of Holland paintings ..."

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"If you want to be a concert pianist then ten hours every day should just about cover it, or maybe start at thirty minutes every day and gradually evolve your practice time for you to what you want to do with your new talent. A lot of Holland paintings appeared fully mature flowers and fruits which collapsed underneath the accumulated materials and pigments and stood side b side with other withered flowers or fruits swollen by worms. This innovative software lets you tune in to your own personal voice as you sing and reveals your true ability like a vocalist."
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Worum geht es hier gleich noch mal? Konzertpianist muss viel üben. Die holländischen Gemälde -- waren die Würmer darauf abgebildet oder wurden die materialen Bilder von echten Würmern zerstört? Und dann übergangslos: eine neue Software!? -- Ich schwebe herum.


Was mag da nur dahinterstecken? Es macht mich neugierig ...

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